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Having braces (or Invisalign) will require a few lifestyle changes for most of us. Most of these changes are small, such as closer attention to brushing, flossing, and eating habits, but they are important to keep braces in good condition and teeth healthy. In fact, these are good habits to have regardless of whether you have braces or not!

Food is a wonderful thing, and the huge variety of it is undeniably one of the simplest pleasures of life. Unfortunately, however, many foods are very bad for our teeth, particularly when we have braces. Just by knowing how some foods act on other things around us (think Coke staining a tablecloth or maple syrup sticking to our fingers) we can take a guess on some. Others can be more stealthy.

Let’s take a look at a few types of foods and how they affect teeth and braces:

Hard foods

Hard foods like hard candy, ice, and nuts are hard on teeth and hard on braces. These kinds of foods are like gravel and have the potential to wear down teeth and damage braces. Plus, the sugar in hard candies promote the growth of bacteria which results in cavities.

Sticky foods

Sticky foods like caramel and gum are very bad ideas with braces. They can get stuck between braces or teeth and if not brushed or flossed away soon, can start to damage teeth. While sugar-free gum isn’t bad for your teeth, it’s not a good idea with braces.

Acidic foods

Very acidic foods and drinks like soda, fruit juices, and sports drinks are the worst at promoting cavities. The drinks listed above are doubly harmful because they also contain a lot of sugar, which cavity-causing bacteria love to feed on.

With some patience and a little bit of practice, you can still enjoy your favorite foods whether you have braces or not. If you have any questions about braces in Creve Coeur, Invisalign, and best care practices, contact Dr. Andy Frost in Creve Coeur, MO by calling (314) 567-1888 or by filling out our simple online form.

Of all people, why do elite athletes tend to have bad teeth? You would think that people who spend so much time and effort on their bodies would not neglect their mouths, but they do. Paul Piccininni, the dental director for the International Olympic Committee has seen the problem first-hand time and time again.

He bluntly commented on the issue, saying, “they have bodies of Adonis and a garbage mouth.” He has seen many athletes over the year who have had serious dental problems, some of them bad enough to keep an athlete out of a competition. Even Michael Jordan had a an undisclosed dental issue that could have kept him out of the 1984 games when he was Team USA’s top scorer.

But why do the mouths of these otherwise models of perfect health tend to suffer? According to Piccininni, training is a big issue. Everything an athlete does to train for an elite competition like the olympics seems to be hard on teeth, from frequent eating to dehydration and teeth grinding. Drinking acidic and sugary sports drinks and energy gels add to the problem, as does the stress of competition and neglect as a result of travel.

In some athletes’ cases, access to care and financial resources are the issue. Medical treatment at the Olympics is free for athletes, so some will put off going to a dentist until they know their care will be paid for. Still other athletes are too focused on the more competitive parts of their bodies to bother with their teeth.

Like the rest of us, it seems that most of these athletes start taking better care of their teeth in the end. This may come as a result of a missed competition, an unexpected procedure, or even a decrease in performance.

A healthy mouth is important for all of us, including athletes. A straight, attractive smile is also essential for some of us. After appearing in so many TV shows, movies, and commercials, even Michael Jordan sees the benefit of taking care of his teeth now.

Contact Dr. Frost in Creve Coeur, MO if you’re thinking about braces or Invisalign. After you see how easy the process has become, you will want to make the investment in yourself. Simply fill out our online form or give us a call at 314-567-1888.

We’ve talked before about how much your smile can affect your confidence. Usually patients get braces or Invisalign because they want to feel more confident or comfortable with their teeth. But things were not always this easy. Years ago, dentistry was often painful and uncomfortable and some treatments almost did more harm than good.

It’s well-known that George Washington had false teeth, but somehow the legend is that they were made of wood. In fact, his dentures survive and are kept in the museum at his house at Mount Vernon. The teeth in the dentures are real, taken from animals and other humans. They were set in iron and hinged with springs which creaked and were extremely uncomfortable.

The effect on Washington’s confidence was devastating. He rarely smiled or laughed and became more reclusive in his later years as a result of his embarrassment. It’s sad to think that such a great man was so troubled by his teeth, but that’s part of what life was like in his time.

Fortunately, dentistry and orthodontics have come miles and miles since Washington’s day. Today he would have many painless and comfortable options for fixing his dental problems and he would have without a doubt felt more confident with a straight, well-fitting, natural-looking smile.

Orthodontic treatments like Invisalign and modern braces are easier than ever to use. Invisalign can even be fitted and adjusted digitally, erasing the slight discomfort of the old molding process. Braces today are also less obstructive and more comfortable to wear than they have ever been and they can correct a huge variety of orthodontic issues.

The next time you wish you lived in the past, remember how good our bodies (including our teeth) have it now! To know more about orthodontic treatment in St. Louis, all you have to do is call Dr. Andy Frost for a free consultation. We will examine your specific smile and thoroughly explain your treatment options. Simply fill out our appointment form or call us at (314) 567-1888.

Most Americans are concerned about their appearance, which includes their smile. For some, appearances are not only important—it can mean the difference in their paycheck. Those in sales and even some professionals know how far an impressive appearance will go for both their confidence and other people’s confidence in them.

Your face and your smile are often two of the first things others will see when meeting you, so that’s a great place to make the right first impression. And while people are attracted to a great smile, having one also does wonders for your confidence.

In fact, a recent study from the University of Manchester in Britain showed that subjects with poor or missing teeth had dramatically lower self-confidence. These subjects are conscious about their teeth and often avoid smiling, which affects their own mood as well as the impressions of others. Some studies have suggested that the act of smiling alone can improve one’s mood and that seeing others smile indicates that they are intelligent and trustworthy.

Professionals and businesspeople know this is the case, which is why many spend more time on their teeth. From good daily hygiene to investing in braces or Invisalign, working towards a great looking smile is good for their health and their careers.

If you think you don’t have the time for braces or even Invisalign, you will be surprised at how quickly and easily you can get fitted. Plus, Invisalign is invisible while you’re using it, so your smile will look progressively better during the treatment without having to see braces in the mirror.

For a free consultation for braces or Invisalign, call Dr. Andy Frost at (314) 567-1888. Dr. Frost has years of experience as an orthodontist in the Creve Coeur and St. Louis area, where he has exceeded the expectations of hundreds of patients.

Invisalign is in the news again, but this time it’s for a fairly odd reason: copyright laws. It turns out that a competitor of Invisalign sends its digital images electronically to and from Pakistan to be processed, which Invisalign says is a breach of its copyright.

Invisalign’s parent company, Align Technology, Inc., said that because the digital impressions are sent to technicians in Pakistan and back to Houston to be made, they count as imports even if they are sent electronically.

Google and the movie industry have clashed over this issue in the past and remain major players in the ongoing legal battle. Google maintains that digital property should be excluded from the same rules as physical media due to legal precedent. The movie industry and others argue the opposite, that digital media should be treated the same as physical media because the data being sent and received is essentially the same.

In this case, the judge involved in the case ruled in Invisalign’s favor and found that the transmissions were imports, meaning Invisalign’s competitor violated Invisalign’s patents. However, the arguments are ongoing. The questions involved are broad and wide-ranging, affecting entire industries and individuals at the same time, all with a medium that is very difficult to control or regulate. That means there probably won’t be a final decision on the issue for a long while.

Invisalign remains America’s top choice for straightening teeth without braces. Dr. Andy Frost in Creve Coeur, MO has years of experience treating patients with Invisalign. And by using new technology like our iTero scanner, getting Invisalign has never been faster or more comfortable.

Call us today for a free consultation or an appointment at (314) 567-1888, or contact us online. Whether you’re thinking about braces or Invisalign, we will be able to determine the best treatment for your unique smile.

Just as technology is revolutionizing just about every industry right now, orthodontics and dentistry are also benefiting from technological advances. New technologies such as digital imaging and 3D printing are changing the way orthodontists work while improving patient experience.

While these technologies are now starting to enter orthodontists’ and dentists’ offices, they have been used outside of the office for quite some time. For example, Invisalign uses 3D modeling and printing to make their invisible braces for patients. In fact, in the last year alone, Invisalign “printed” more than 17 million of their custom trays.

Until now, impressions for Invisalign trays have been taken with a plastic-like material applied to the patient’s teeth. This method is often messy, time-consuming, and uncomfortable. Now, however, more accurate impressions can be taken with the use of digital imaging technology like the iTero scanner.

Instead of a physical mold, a digital 3D model of a patient’s teeth is created in real-time. This not only gives the orthodontist more flexibility, but it also allows for a more accurate assessment of a patient’s current situation and the projected results of the best treatment option. Plus, these impressions can be sent to Invisalign instantly, drastically cutting down the time needed to receive new trays.

Orthodontists are not the only dental professionals benefiting from this kind of advanced technology. General dentists also use digital imaging and 3D printing in their own practices for taking better x-rays and making better fitting crowns, for example.

With high technology becoming more and more accessible, it will be interesting to see how these tools and methods will continue to develop in the coming years. All doctors are willing to embrace tools that will deliver more accuracy and flexibility in a faster and more comfortable way for the patient.

Thinking about braces or Invisalign? Contact Dr. Frost in Creve Coeur for a free consultation! We offer many different treatment options including Invisalign, the impressions for which are taken digitally with an iTero scanner for maximum accuracy and comfort.

We are pleased to announce that we recently purchased a new iTero scanner for the office!

This high-tech piece of equipment allows us to take Invisalign impressions without the use of messy PVS impression material. Instead, your teeth are scanned by the iTero on all sides and a computer model is made chair side in real time. This means your Invisalign impressions and treatments will be vastly more accurate and delivered in a fraction of the time. Plus, by using the iTero scanner and its software, we are even able to project the results of your Invisalign treatment.

If you are interested in Invisalign or would like more information about the treatment process and our new iTero scanner, contact Dr. Frost in Creve Coeur today!


Because there is so many factors involved with the alignment of teeth, there are many different reasons why they can become misaligned. We will look at just a few of the main causes here, but you can always ask us if you need more information about causes and treatment options for misaligned teeth.


Of course, how the teeth themselves grow in and move will affect how they end up aligning with one another. Teeth can start out or become too crowded, too spaced apart, they can erupt (grow in) at an angle, or they can even erupt in an unusual place.

All of these possibilities can cause discomfort or at worst, they can cause teeth to function improperly. The good news is they can all be corrected through orthodontics, including braces or Invisalign.


The natural position or alignment of the jaw can cause teeth to be misaligned. Jaw problems can also be the result of an accident. Since there are several muscles and bones that work together to operate the jaw, these problems can sometimes be more challenging to address.

In any case however, these issues can also be corrected through the use of orthodontics, surgery, physical therapy, or a combination of the above.


Some habits can influence teeth to move and become misaligned, especially those which occur while teeth are growing in. Children who suck on fingers, thumbs, or pacifiers are at high risk of affecting the alignment of their teeth once they grow in, just as those with similar habits such as chewing on pens can affect their teeth later on in life.

No matter your needs, we can help you get the best treatment for your unique smile. For more information or to schedule a free consultation, call orthodontist Dr. Frost in Creve Coeur, MO at (314) 567-1888 or contact us online today.

Will your kids’ braces be covered if you sign up for Obamacare?

This question was recently asked to NPR by a 15 year-old as part of an ongoing effort to clarify questions relating to the changes that will happen under Obamacare. Just like any aspect of insurance, the changes resulting from the passage of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) are complicated and difficult to approach.

It seems as though there is little change under Obamacare regarding braces. Most dental insurance plans will only cover braces if it affects the patient’s health. For example, if a patient has trouble chewing or if crowded teeth are having a harmful effect on their health, then insurance will be more likely to cover the cost of braces. If the patient simply wants their teeth to look better, however, then insurance will most likely not cover the cost.

That said, pediatric dental coverage is a required coverage area under Obamacare. So if you or your parents are eligible for new or expanded health insurance under the new law, you will be able to get dental care. And if you need braces for health reasons, chances are your insurance plan will cover part of the cost of braces.

As with anything, the best thing to do is shop around to find which insurance suits you best. There is some flexibility offered by Obamacare, so you should be able to compare many different kinds of plans from several different insurance carriers.

The first thing to do when considering braces or another kind of orthodontic treatment is to call for a free consultation. After evaluating your needs, we can answer all of your insurance questions and see whether the cost of braces will be covered, and if so, how much. You have nothing to lose by asking!

Contact Dr. Frost online or call (314) 567-1888 to schedule a free consultation.

While all of us by now are familiar with both traditional braces and Invisalign, not all of us may be aware of what different cases they are used for.

As with any medical treatment, the decision of which tool to use is made on an individual basis by your orthodontist. Since you will be undergoing the treatment and it will affect your smile, you should have as much information as possible before making a decision.

What are the differences between braces and Invisalign?

Very basically, traditional braces use wires and brackets attached to the teeth which are adjusted according to the patient’s treatment needs. Invisalign, however, is a patented system which uses machine-made trays to achieve a similar effect.

Advantages of Invisalign

The main advantage of Invisalign is right there in its name: the trays are near invisible. This is great for patients who don’t want other people to know that they are wearing braces, those who may feel less comfortable in social situations if they had braces, or those who would like to maintain a natural appearance for professional reasons. Additionally, Invisalign trays are removable and they do not affect the wearer’s speech. Invisalign is also a great choice for candidates who would like to close spaces between teeth.

Advantages of Traditional Braces

However, Invisalign does have its limits. Most patients with more complicated orthodontic needs will not always be good candidates for Invisalign. Traditional braces can fix slight problems to the most complicated of issues in a reasonable amount of time. Braces will often be the best choice for patients who need adjustments to their bite.

While they have their differences, both braces and Invisalign are good tools with their own advantages and limitations. For a free consultation with orthodontist Dr. Andy Frost in Creve Coeur, fill out our online form or call (314) 567-1888. We will evaluate your individual needs, desires, and educate you on the best choices for you and your unique smile.

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