Frost Orthodontics

What to Expect After Getting Braces

The day your bright and shiny new braces go on your teeth, you might not notice anything different other than having something strange attached to them. But as the days and weeks go by, having braces will seem like just a regular part of life. However, usually the second and third days after your braces have been applied, you might experience varying levels of soreness. Each patient will feel differently, but typically the soreness should subside after a few days.

After your teeth have gotten past the initial sore phase, your gums, cheeks, and tongue may develop sore spots. These will in time pass as well, but you can help prevent those sore spots by placing orthodontics wax over the brackets that are causing trouble in your mouth.

To apply the wax, start by washing your hands. Next, dry them and begin rolling the wax back and forth between your fingers to help loosen it up so that if can be applied easier. Once the wax is nice and loose, dry the brackets that you’re going to put the wax on so that it sticks better. Place the wax over the brackets so that the metal no longer sticks through and rub smooth. Orthodontics wax is there to help you through the adjustment period, so feel free to use it as you see fit.

Beyond the normal discomfort, eating with braces is going to be a new adventure for you. Start with foods that are soft and have a low level of acidity, as the acid could further irritate the sore spots in your mouth. Foods such as eggs, fish, pasta, potatoes, pancakes, waffles, yogurt, bananas, and milkshakes are great because they’re easy on your teeth. We also suggest that milk and water be consumed during this period, as the milk will help fortify your teeth and the water will keep your mouth and new braces clean.

Following each meal, it is important to brush your teeth and clear the braces of any debris. Not only is it good for your oral health, but you don’t want to walk around with spinach stuck in your braces all day either!

If you have any questions about braces in Creve Coeur or other orthodontic treatment options, simply fill out our appointment form or call Dr. Frost in Creve Coeur, MO at (314) 567-1888.