Frost Orthodontics

Orthodontics Has Come a Long Way Since George Washington’s Time

We’ve talked before about how much your smile can affect your confidence. Usually patients get braces or Invisalign because they want to feel more confident or comfortable with their teeth. But things were not always this easy. Years ago, dentistry was often painful and uncomfortable and some treatments almost did more harm than good.

It’s well-known that George Washington had false teeth, but somehow the legend is that they were made of wood. In fact, his dentures survive and are kept in the museum at his house at Mount Vernon. The teeth in the dentures are real, taken from animals and other humans. They were set in iron and hinged with springs which creaked and were extremely uncomfortable.

The effect on Washington’s confidence was devastating. He rarely smiled or laughed and became more reclusive in his later years as a result of his embarrassment. It’s sad to think that such a great man was so troubled by his teeth, but that’s part of what life was like in his time.

Fortunately, dentistry and orthodontics have come miles and miles since Washington’s day. Today he would have many painless and comfortable options for fixing his dental problems and he would have without a doubt felt more confident with a straight, well-fitting, natural-looking smile.

Orthodontic treatments like Invisalign and modern braces are easier than ever to use. Invisalign can even be fitted and adjusted digitally, erasing the slight discomfort of the old molding process. Braces today are also less obstructive and more comfortable to wear than they have ever been and they can correct a huge variety of orthodontic issues.

The next time you wish you lived in the past, remember how good our bodies (including our teeth) have it now! To know more about orthodontic treatment in St. Louis, all you have to do is call Dr. Andy Frost for a free consultation. We will examine your specific smile and thoroughly explain your treatment options. Simply fill out our appointment form or call us at (314) 567-1888.