Frost Orthodontics

Choosing the Color of Your Braces

Braces can be stressful, but picking out the color of your rubber bands is the fun part! Colored bands can be used to show off your personality and compliment outfits, while some colors can even make your teeth look whiter.

So, how do you choose the color of your braces, and which color rubber bands make your teeth look whiter?

As an experienced St. Louis Orthodontist, we’ve put together the following guide below! For more information on braces, or to schedule an appointment, contact Frost Ordonthics today.

What Braces Color Should I Get?

Originally, braces were made out of thick, bulky metal; today’s braces are lightweight and come in a variety of colors, from gold to blue to pink and purple. With so many options to choose from, it can be difficult to choose just one!

When picking out the color of your braces, start by thinking of your favorite colors – take a look at your closet and see which color you have the most of. This can be helpful, as you can match your brace’s color to your wardrobe or choose a contrasting shade that suits your style.

What Color Rubber Bands Make Your Teeth Look Whiter?

It can be difficult to choose a rubber band color that matches your style and makes your teeth look their best. Not to mention, different colors work better on people with different hair colors, skin tones, and even eye colors.

When choosing rubber bands for your braces, there are certain colors to avoid and certain colors that can make your teeth look whiter. If you want whiter-looking teeth, you should avoid the following braces colors:

  • White/Gold/Clear – can make your teeth look dull or yellow
  • Green – could be mistaken for food stuck in your teeth
  • Brown – could make your teeth appear yellowed and dirty
  • Black – mimics rotten, decayed teeth

These rubber band colors can make your teeth stand out and look whiter than ever:

  • Dark Blue – the contrast of dark navy bands can make the whiteness of your teeth pop
  • Pink/Purple/Red – if you want a fun, positive color, bright pink, deep purple, and vibrant red compliment both lighter/dark skin tones perfectly
  • Orange/teal – neon and bright orange/teal bands let you showcase your personality and make your smile stand out

These are just some of the rubber band colors that can make your teeth look whiter and more vibrant. For more information on our braces colors, call Frost Orthodontics today at (314) 567-1888.

Interested in Learning More About Braces?

Your rubber bands can be any color you like, but the best way to keep your teeth looking and feeling their best is to keep up good hygiene like brushing and flossing twice a day and visiting the orthodontist every 6-8 weeks to maintain your braces and oral hygiene.

If you want to learn more about braces in Creve Coeur or would like to schedule an orthodontics appointment, contact Frost Orthodontics today.