Frost Orthodontics

Case Study: Sophie (Braces)

Mother and father concerned with dental crowding of their teenage daughters top and bottom teeth.

In this case study we have Sophie, a 13 year-old who decided to straighten her teeth with braces. When Sophie arrived at Frost Orthodontics, she was suffering from moderate dental crowding. Since this is a very common problem, our staff knew metal braces were going to be the right orthodontic treatment to correct her problem.

Here was Sophie before starting treatment:

… and after her braces were removed:

Sophie received amazing results! Her entire treatment took a little over a year and a half and her smile is completely transformed. The end-result – one happy young lady and equally happy parents.

“It’s unbelievable now to see what Sophie’s teeth looked like before braces. Dr. Frost did a great job.” – Matt, Sophie’s dad

Have you been considering braces for your child? Now is the time to contact our office to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Frost. After examining your child’s unique situation, he will be able to determine whether they are a good candidate for orthodontic treatment, and he will also provide a time and cost estimate. Correct your child’s smile now with braces in Creve Coeur so they won’t have to worry about it in the future.