Frost Orthodontics

Case Study: Keishia (Invisalign Treatment)

Keishia consulted Dr. Andy Frost, Creve Coeur orthodontist, about her gapped and misaligned teeth. Dr. Frost determined that the best treatment for Keishia was Invisalign – clear aligners that straighten teeth and close gaps between them. After 12 months, she had a beautiful, straightened smile.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a system of clear, custom-made aligners that gradually move teeth into the desired position. It also requires regular orthodontic supervision to ensure the best results.

Dr. Frost created a personalized plan for Keishia, including which aligners to use, how long she should wear them, and when to switch to the next set. She maintained regular appointments with Dr. Frost throughout treatment to ensure her progress.

Who is a Good Candidate for Invisalign?

Invisalign is an effective and discreet treatment for orthodontic problems such as crookedness, teeth gaps, and minor crowding or spacing. In Keishia’s case, her gapped front teeth made her an ideal candidate for Invisalign treatment.

We typically recommend Invisalign for adults and teens with good oral hygiene looking for a less noticeable way to straighten their teeth. However, it’s not suitable for everyone – Dr. Frost can provide more advice on whether Invisalign is the best treatment for you.

If you’re considering Invisalign and want to know if you’d be a good candidate, take our brief survey using the link below.

Do You Qualify for Invisalign?

The Invisalign Treatment Process

Initial Consultation

Keishia’s Invisalign treatment process began with an initial consultation. During this appointment, Dr. Frost utilized the state-of-the-art iTero scanner to obtain a 3D scan of her mouth.

Then, he created an individualized plan using the information gathered. Once they discussed the treatment length and her questions, he sent the 3D scan to a dental laboratory for custom fabrication.

Fitting & Follow-Ups

Once the laboratory finished her custom aligners, Keishia visited us for a fitting. Dr. Frost made the necessary adjustments and ensured that she was comfortable with the fit before sending her home with instructions on how to wear and care for them.

Keishia attended regular follow-up appointments approximately every six weeks throughout her Invisalign treatment to monitor her progress. During these appointments, Dr. Frost evaluated her smile and adjusted the aligners to continue moving her teeth into the desired position.

Wearing the Aligners

Keishia wore her aligners for 20-22 hours daily and removed them for meals, brushing, and flossing. Dr. Frost advised her to switch aligners every two weeks throughout her 12-month treatment. However, it’s important to note that the number of aligners and treatment lengths vary depending on the issues presented.

It’s best to follow all instructions from Dr. Frost to ensure successful treatment. Keishia followed Dr. Frost’s instructions for 12 months, and the results were outstanding – her gapped front teeth closed completely, giving her a beautiful, straightened smile.

After Treatment

Once Keishia completed her Invisalign treatment, Dr. Frost prescribed a retainer to maintain the results of her straightened teeth. Patients need to wear their retainers as directed. Otherwise, their teeth may shift again, reversing their progress.

The Benefits of Invisalign

There are several advantages to Invisalign treatment. The most notable include the following:

  • More discreet than traditional braces: Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible and can be removed for special occasions, making them more discreet than traditional braces. 
  • Comfortable fit: The clear plastic used to make the aligners is comfortable and won’t irritate the gums or cheeks like metal brackets and wires can.
  • Faster treatment: Invisalign can be a quicker option for orthodontic treatment than traditional braces. Keishia’s case shows how effective Invisalign can be when supervised by an orthodontist – her gapped front teeth were closed in 12 months! 
  • Easier oral hygiene: Aligners can be easily removed for brushing and flossing, making oral hygiene easier.
  • Improved confidence: Invisalign can give you a straighter smile and improved self-confidence, as Keishia experienced after her treatment.

Choose Frost Orthodontics for Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign is an effective orthodontic solution for many people looking for straight teeth without the hassle of traditional braces. Dr. Frost and our team at Frost Orthodontics have the experience and expertise to provide top-notch treatment and ensure excellent results. Don’t hesitate to contact us today if you want to learn more about orthodontics in St. Louis!

If Keishia’s story has inspired you to start your orthodontic journey with Invisalign in Creve Coeur, contact Frost Orthodontics today to learn more about how we can help!

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