Frost Orthodontics

Invisalign vs. Braces

While all of us by now are familiar with both traditional braces and Invisalign, not all of us may be aware of what different cases they are used for.

As with any medical treatment, the decision of which tool to use is made on an individual basis by your orthodontist. Since you will be undergoing the treatment and it will affect your smile, you should have as much information as possible before making a decision.

What are the differences between braces and Invisalign?

Very basically, traditional braces use wires and brackets attached to the teeth which are adjusted according to the patient’s treatment needs. Invisalign, however, is a patented system which uses machine-made trays to achieve a similar effect.

Advantages of Invisalign

The main advantage of Invisalign is right there in its name: the trays are near invisible. This is great for patients who don’t want other people to know that they are wearing braces, those who may feel less comfortable in social situations if they had braces, or those who would like to maintain a natural appearance for professional reasons. Additionally, Invisalign trays are removable and they do not affect the wearer’s speech. Invisalign is also a great choice for candidates who would like to close spaces between teeth.

Advantages of Traditional Braces

However, Invisalign does have its limits. Most patients with more complicated orthodontic needs will not always be good candidates for Invisalign. Traditional braces can fix slight problems to the most complicated of issues in a reasonable amount of time. Braces will often be the best choice for patients who need adjustments to their bite.

While they have their differences, both braces and Invisalign are good tools with their own advantages and limitations. For a free consultation with orthodontist Dr. Andy Frost in Creve Coeur, fill out our online form or call (314) 567-1888. We will evaluate your individual needs, desires, and educate you on the best choices for you and your unique smile.